Saturday, October 2, 2010

October Vice-President's Note

I'd like to welcome our newest members! You are in for a great time and very good friendships.

Friday, November 26 is the Macy's Parade. It is one of our greatest fundraisers and we need VOLUNTEERS. By now you should have received the email with the form on it; just fill it out and return it to me ASAP as space fills up quickly and we don't want to miss out! We can include family members as young as 10 years old. We must have 20 volunteers for me to apply for participation. The parade will not be televised this year, unfortunately.

We did not get enough volunteers for the OPB TV fundraiser, but I thank those of you who did volunteer to help out. There will be more dates for the radio fundraiser very soon. Watch your emails for this!

Be sure to mark your calendar for our Christmas dinner dance on Saturday, December 4. I look forward to seeing everyone at a gathering in the very near future and hope to meet you new members very soon.


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