Saturday, October 2, 2010

October President's Note

Well here, it is another month. I have been very busy in hopes of helping with Seattle’s convention and it looks like that is just what I will be doing.

If you have not heard it yet, let me be the first to tell you, Seattle Washington’s Tip Toppers will be hosting Convention 2011. I will be helping Kate Weigant as much as I can with a Pre-Convention in Leavenworth. Jan Jorgenson, a former member of the Skyliners is starting a club in Yakima called “The Yakima Talls” and our two clubs will be assisting or sharing in the ventures.

Post convention in Victoria Canada. Ahh! That is right. Jane Baldwin, Michele Corbeil and I scoped out some possibilities a few short weeks ago and it looks very promising. Check out the pictures.

It sounds like I will be busy, for sure.. Especially if I am to go to Euro Convention in Paris this year in May!

This last month we had made almost $300.00 for the scholarship program with the garage sale that was held at my house. This was with the help of those members who gave up some things for us to sell, and those who helped by stopping by and either working the sale or buying things. We all had fun.

By now you should have all received a call from a board member to inform you of the things that are coming up.and I have to tell you I am looking forward to a GREAT turn out at the auction. Remember this event is going to offset the cost of the Christmas Party for everyone.

We are also looking for people to help with the Macy’s Parade organization. This will take place the day after Thanksgiving. No you do not have to walk, you can check people in, You can tell them were to go. You can help get them in costumes. And then you can go watch the parade. If this sounds like fun or something you would be up for, give Diana Larsen a call or drop her an email. For every volunteer,we get $20.00 to go for our scholarship program. Your grandkids and children can help as long as they are 10 years old or older. Last year this event raised $280.00 I will be there and looking forward to seeing you there with me.

See you soon,

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