Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Members Only Page

Hopefully, after last month's column, you went online to take a look at our website. While you were there, you probably wondered how to log in to the members only section and what mysterious wonders lay behind that password-protected door. This month, I'm going to give you a short tour of this useful section.

What exactly, is stored on the members only page? Currently, it hosts all electronic newsletters from the last year, applications, and sign in sheets. What could be hosted here? Any documents we'd like to share with members (such as the membership roster) that we don't want the whole world wide web to see.

To access the page, locate the yellow log in box on the main page of the website. Scroll down below our contact info if you can't see it. After you enter the password, make sure you click your mouse on the "submit" button. It will not load if you hit the enter/return button on your keyboard. Once you're in, you simply click on any blue link text to download the documents of your choice. Depending on your browser preferences, they may open in a new web page, open in another application, or save to your downloads folder. You may need to download a .pdf viewer such as Adobe Reader.

Sounds great! What's the password again? The password will be changed with this year's membership renewal date, September 1. The ONLY way to get this new password is to renew your dues. Once your payment is received and your membership approved, our membership chair will send you the password in an email. The password is the same for everyone, so please do not share it with non-members. If you have misplaced your renewal form, you can download a new one here.

I'd love to hear if you find this information useful, and what you'd like to learn about in the future.

Your Vice-President and Webmaster,

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