Monday, March 28, 2011
April Editor's Note
April Vice-President's Report
April Short Note from the Prez
Well here it is April, and convention in Seattle is right around the corner. I hope you have all signed up and are planning on attending. If not, it’s not too late. Please log on to the Membership Console and send in your money. Deposits go to Susan Kelsey.
Don't forget our club is sponsoring Pre-Convention in Leavenworth, WA. If you have never been before or even if you have, going to Leavenworth is a new adventure each time you go, especially if you are with your TALL FRIENDS. Please go to the Membership Console to register. Payments go to our PO BOX or Michele Corbiel. We are looking forward to a good turn out at both events.
May brings elections to our club as well. If you would like to help your club and run for a board position all seats are available. Some board members have indicated an interest in running again. If you have the time and energy to give back to your club I encourage you to run for an office, especially if you have never been on the board before or it has been awhile since you have served on the board. WE NEED YOU.
We have had a very high volume of students applying for our scholarship and next month we will know who the winner is. I want to Thank Michelle Scasny for coordinating the committee and Ron and LaRue Thomas, Bob Manser, Diana Larsen, Anne Grief, and Margie Wolf for volunteering for the committee. The committee has a tough job ahead especially when so many kids are deserving of our scholarship.
THANK YOU all for everything you do.
Don't forget to VOTE!
I look forward to seeing you at an event soon.