Tuesday, July 5, 2011
TCI 2011 videos now online!
All I have to say is that I had a blast. This year, TCI2011 was in Seattle. For us in Portland, it was a short drive away and so, the Portland Skyliner's where well represented. For all the video fun, check out our Youtube channel:
To get started, here is the pageant overview video. A new thing this year, most of the videos are now in HD, enjoy!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
May Short Note from the Prez
Funny thing happened the other day…I saw the SUN. Then it was gone.
We have really had a fast month, I want to thank everyone who came out and got to dance and listen to some Music the other night at the Canyon Bar & Grill it was a cute clean fun place to go, maybe a nice place to have a board meeting someday.
You noticed it is that time of the year again when we ask you to get involved in your club. There are several board positions that are open and waiting for you to step up to. Renewal applications went out already- Please be proactive. Membership is due with the applications July 1st 2011
The Elections Party will be held at the Ollison's this year. I really want to see everyone there.
The Seate De Mayo, will be held on May 7, 2011 at Megan's home and of course will have a Mexican theme. This month our board meeting will be held one hour before the Party at my house, Remember this is a Fund raiser Dinner cost will be $10.00 and we would love to see everyone. This will be your chance to meet our Scholarship Award Winner and his family .
We had many deserving scholarship applications submitted to the committee.Michelle Scasny, Margie Wolf, Ron Thomas, Bon Manser, Anne Grief & Diana Larson. I am sure they had a very hard time picking a winner, when I went through them I had a hard time guessing who might be the winner. I want to thank those people who took the time out of their day to help us pick a very deserving youth. If you want to be on the committee next year, please let Michelle Scasny know, NO time is too early.
Remember save the date DECEMBER 10th will be our Christmas party you will not want to miss it!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Election Results
The board will take over at the beginning of July.
Elected Board
President: Will Werner
V President: Bill Hessler
Treasurer: Al Harter
Secretary: Maggie Anderson
Social: Kate Weigant
Membership: Barb Watson
Editor/Web: Jane Baldwin
Assignments and Committees
OBP: Diana Larsen
Archives: Vickie Nokleby
Man of the Year: Will Werner
Woman of the Year: Kate Weigant
Don Lee Award: Megan Lukens
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
2011 Scholarship Award Recipient Sean Alvey
-Mike Heck (“The Middle”)
Throughout the course of my life, I have found that being tall means being of service to others. I have spent a large portion of my life grabbing items from high shelves, plugging electronics into overhead electrical sockets, and hanging Christmas decorations. Regardless of how easy the task may otherwise be, people of likely equal competence always seem to turn to me for leadership and assistance often, it seems, simply because I am tall. People often look to me for advice or leadership because of my commanding presence, as if I am innately more skilled at giving good advice or providing solid leadership. When something needs to get done, it is often I, the tallest person in my group of friends, who is delegated to lead the project. While I readily admit that I am not necessarily the best leader in the world, I sometimes think that by sheer virtue of my size, people are more willing, even enthusiastic, about following my lead. But with this greater influence, this greater power, I know there comes greater responsibility.
Being a “lighthouse of society” means meeting the responsibility of being the best person that I can be, both for myself and for others. At my high school, our slogan is “graduating men and women for others.” I have taken this slogan to heart during my four years of high school, and I have tried to incorporate it into all my actions. Being tall gives me an abundance of opportunities to help others in a myriad of ways. Yes, it can sometimes mean the obvious, such as taping the poster to the highest part of the wall or putting the topper on the Christmas tree. But often it means so much more, especially where, in my case, great height and physical strength combine.
On the football field, my size has provided the commanding presence that I need on the line to protect and lead my teammates, who are also my brothers. For my 2010 National Boy Scout Jamboree troop, my size meant being the clear choice to serve as Troop Quartermaster in charge of building, packing and loading all supplies our 40-person troop would need during the 17-day adventure in Virginia. For my Christian Service project last summer, my size led to my obvious selection as Assistant Basketball Coach for disadvantaged inner-city children. Had this not happened, however, I would never have met the children who ended up teaching me more lessons about life than I taught them about basketball.
Being tall has given me an abundance of opportunities to help others, opportunities I may not otherwise have been given. And through a lifetime of such opportunities, I feel that I have developed confidence, strength, and even a sort of charisma due to my height and my proven willingness and ability to help others. At this point, I cannot imagine what my life would be like were I not so tall. Now, I just aim to be the best person I can be, while trying to help others by virtue of the opportunities that being tall provides. I love being “vertically gifted”, and I thank God every day for this gift.
Monday, March 28, 2011
April Editor's Note
April Vice-President's Report
April Short Note from the Prez
Well here it is April, and convention in Seattle is right around the corner. I hope you have all signed up and are planning on attending. If not, it’s not too late. Please log on to the Membership Console and send in your money. Deposits go to Susan Kelsey.
Don't forget our club is sponsoring Pre-Convention in Leavenworth, WA. If you have never been before or even if you have, going to Leavenworth is a new adventure each time you go, especially if you are with your TALL FRIENDS. Please go to the Membership Console to register. Payments go to our PO BOX or Michele Corbiel. We are looking forward to a good turn out at both events.
May brings elections to our club as well. If you would like to help your club and run for a board position all seats are available. Some board members have indicated an interest in running again. If you have the time and energy to give back to your club I encourage you to run for an office, especially if you have never been on the board before or it has been awhile since you have served on the board. WE NEED YOU.
We have had a very high volume of students applying for our scholarship and next month we will know who the winner is. I want to Thank Michelle Scasny for coordinating the committee and Ron and LaRue Thomas, Bob Manser, Diana Larsen, Anne Grief, and Margie Wolf for volunteering for the committee. The committee has a tough job ahead especially when so many kids are deserving of our scholarship.
THANK YOU all for everything you do.
Don't forget to VOTE!
I look forward to seeing you at an event soon.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The 2011 scholarship process is gaining momentum!
In keeping with our desire to support the scholastic endeavors of young people, especially students who are vertically endowed, Portland Skyliners will award one scholarship in the amount of $500 to a student pursuing a college or university education. In addition, the scholarship recipient’s application will be forwarded to Tall Clubs International to compete for several $1000 scholarships.
If you know any high school seniors or graduates under age 21 attending their first year at a 2 or 4 year institution of higher learning, and they meet the minimum height requirements of 5'10" for women and 6'2" for men, direct them to the website http://www.tall.org/clubs/or/portland for information and forms. The application deadline is March 15.
Scholarship Committee:
Michelle Scasny
Margie Wolf
Ron Thomas
Anne Greif
Diana Larsen
Bob Manser
Email inquires or questions to PortlandSkyliners@yahoo.com. If you would like to join the committee and participate in the selection process, please contact Michelle Scasny.
February Short Note from the President
I am encouraging you all to register for Pre-Convention to be held in Leavenworth, Washington June 25 and 26.
Kate Weigant has done a wonderful job planning and recruiting for this event.
If you have not done so already, PLEASE, Please register for Convention that will be taking place June 27 through July 3, 2011. I understand there are 60
people signed up so far. I am in hopes that this could be one of the largest Conventions that we had in a while.
We are still trying to nail down some information for a Post-Convention. Hang out in the Northwest July 3 through 6. We may be going over to Victoria, B.C., as a large group or doing different small day trips around the Seattle area. If you are interested or if you have some great ideas of places or things we can do, please contact me. I would love to hear them and see if we can work something out.
I am looking forward to seeing you at an event soon.