Have you looked at our club website lately? There are several essential new features you may not be aware of. I'd like to introduce you to them here, and then go more in-depth with useful tutorials in upcoming issues. These tutorials will also be archived on the blog. It may seem overwhelming now, but you can't hurt anything by checking it out. Remember, our goal here is twofold: keep current members up to date and informed, and be easy to find and attractive to prospective members.
Members Only - As soon as you renew your membership this year, you'll be given access to download club newsletters, rosters, and more!
Calendar - Play around with the week, month, or agenda views until you find one that appeals to you. Clicking on events will give you options for viewing more details and even Google maps! I highly recommend you sign up for a Google Gmail account so you can add events from the club calendar to your personal online calendar.
Blog - I hope this will function as our online newsletter. Here we can post news, articles, TCI travel reports, and user comments. Blog posts can be archived and are searchable. Check back here for website tutorials. Your Gmail account makes it easy for you to comment and leave questions on our blog.
Photos - Check out the 54 photo albums in the Skyliners Picasa gallery. See some shots you like? Download them! Want prints of that great photo from the Christmas party? Order them from Photoworks, Snapfish, or Shutterfly! Please send photos to be included to portlandskyliners@gmail.com and let us know the name and date of your event.
Videos - Thanks so much to Ylian for keeping us up to date by uploading to our YouTube channel from convention! Here you can view all of his videos of club events.
MySpace - If you use any of these social networking sites, please join our group pages to show prospective members how happening we are.
facebook - How happening are we? 92 TCI members and prospective members have already joined us here.
Twitter - We're just establishing our presence here. This will be a great way to follow us on your mobile device and will appeal to tech-savvy prospective members.
Have fun getting to know the new webpage!